• CfRN COP 27 

Conference Program

Conference Program

Keep in touch with CfRN’s COP27 pavilion events, livestreams, and more.
Keep in touch with CfRN’s COP27 pavilion events, livestreams, and more.

Latest COP News

MiAmbiente hoy presenta los resultados del estudio más exhaustivo realizado en Panamá sobre degradación y deforestación. Este análisis marca un hito en nuestros esfuerzos por comprender, con mayor rigurosidad científica, la dinámica de nuestros bosques y fortalecer la toma

Watch the latest recording of our events from the CfRN stand at COP27

Introduction to Greenhouse Gases

Coalition for Rainforest Nations

Introduction to Greenhouse Gases Series

Part 1: The Basics

Event Program

Check back here regularly to keep informed of events on the CfRN Pavilion at COP27

Week 02

Wed 16th Nov

Overview of Ethiopia’s Oromia Forested Landscape Program (OFLP) and its Carbon Financing

Wed, Nov 16th: 9:30 – 10:00 am CET.

Coalition for Rainforest Nations, EY Pavilion

The presentation will give an update on the success and implementation of the OFLP grant-funded activities in fostering sustainable low carbon development through activities that reduce deforestation, since 2017. Areas covered will include OFLP’s status on the Emissions Reductions Purchase Agreement (ERPA), negotiation with the Bio Carbon fund for Sustainable Forested Landscape Program (ISFL), and further emissions reductions within the project’s scope.


  • Mr. Dereje Likissa Beyene, MRV specialist
  • Mr. Abdurahman Abdella Adem, Oromia Vice President, Coordinator for Rural Development sectors
  • Mr. Seifudin Mehadi Abdulkerim, General Director, Oromia Environmental Protection Authority
  • Dr. Yitebitu Moges, Coordinator for Ethiopia REDD+ secretariat


  • Mr. Dereje Likissa Beyene, MRV specialist

Assessment and Monitoring of Forest Cover in the Republic of Congo (ROC)

Wed, Nov 16th: 11:00 am – 12:00 pm CET

Coalition for Rainforest Nations, EY Pavilion

Hear members of the Republic of Congo’s Ministry of Forestry and Economy share their experiences with collecting land use and change data for estimating greenhouse gas emissions/removals; modeling projects for the creation of carbon sinks; the problems of financing afforestation and reforestation; governance and sustainable management of forests; and creating protected areas to preserve the ROC’s huge reservoir of biodiversity.

Speakers from the Ministry of Forestry and Economy include:

  • Carine Saturnine Milandou
  • Francois Mankessi
  • Welcome Babela
  • Jean-Bosco Nganongo

The Contribution of the Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA) to REDD+ Processes Implementation

Wed, Nov 16th: 2:00 – 3:00 pm CET

Coalition for Rainforest Nations, EY Pavilion


  • Charles Mwangui, PACJA Program Manager
  • Mamoudou Ouedraogo, National Coordinator from Burkina Faso
  • Abourazakou Memem Morou, National Coordinator PACJA Togo

Capacity Building for Greenhouse Gas Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (MRV): Focus on the Women in Central Africa (WICA) Initiative for Climate Action

Wed, Nov 16th: 4:00 – 5:30 pm CET

Coalition for Rainforest Nations, EY Pavilion

WICA is a capacity building program for young women in Cameroon, Gabon, DRC, Central African Republic, and the Republic of Congo on greenhouse gas MRV, mitigation, and adaptation, as well as the climate negotiation process and implementation of the Paris Agreement.


  • Speakers from the US Forest Service’s International WICA Program, the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute (GHGMI), and the Coalition for Rainforest Nations will discuss challenges, opportunities, and learnings from WICA, after more than a year of implementation

More events to be confirmed

Please check back for details

Thur 16th Nov

Events to be confirmed

Please check back shortly for details

More COP27 News

MiAmbiente hoy presenta los resultados del estudio más exhaustivo realizado en Panamá sobre degradación y deforestación. Este análisis marca un hito en nuestros esfuerzos por comprender, con mayor rigurosidad científica, la dinámica de nuestros bosques y fortalecer la toma

Rainforests are key to water security! 🌍 Join us on Nov 19 to learn about the vital link between Africa’s Congo Basin, the Panama Canal, and global water supplies with Kevin Conrad, Martine Badibanga & Eduardo Reyes. Details: https://www.rainforestcoalition.org/cfrn-cop29-2024/ #COP29

#COP29 Panel: Global Carbon Budget 2024 🌍

How close are we to 1.5°C? Hear from top experts including on big emitters, deforestation, & #ClimateFinance!

📅 Friday, Nov. 15, 11:00-11:45 am at the CfRN Pavilion

#ClimateScience @UniofExeter

Join us for “Critical Minerals for a Just Energy Transition” at #COP29 in Baku! Hear from leaders on scaling solutions, sustainability, and finance in the #EnergyTransition. Details: https://www.rainforestcoalition.org/cfrn-cop29-2024/

We’re proud to collaborate with @Deloitte at #COP29! Stay tuned for discussions and insights from global specialists working to make a real impact. #CfRNxDeloitte https://www.rainforestcoalition.org/cfrn-cop29-2024/

More than a third of the world’s tree species are threatened with extinction, according to the first comprehensive assessment of trees by the world’s leading scientific authority @IUCN on the status of species. The time to act is now.

CfRN is supporting Dominica’s Article 6 efforts to secure climate finance and reduce deforestation. 🌿 This work is part of our broader mission to integrate knowledge and policy for global climate solutions. More about this work: https://www.rainforestcoalition.org/knowledge/

Rainforest nations like Suriname have already achieved net carbon removal status! We must support them in staying there and increasing their capacity for the future. 🌎 #ClimateAction #REDDplus

We're thrilled to continue our collaboration with #Panama! Great to welcome Panama's Minister of Environment, H.E. @juancanavarro, at our office today alongside Michael Mitchell, our Dir. of Operations & Projects. Stay tuned for what's ahead as we work to protect #rainforests! 🌳

Countries using REDD+ under Article 5.2 follow four key steps to reduce deforestation: national strategy, monitoring systems, reference levels, and safeguards. These steps ensure robust forest protection. 🌳 #ClimateAction

Tomorrow, our Executive Director Kevin Conrad will speak at #WorldClimateSummit during #ClimateWeekNYC! 🌍 He’ll join global leaders in pushing for bold action ahead of COP29. Let’s continue the momentum for #ClimateAction! 🌱 @wclimate

Panama is back! 🇵🇦 The country rejoined CfRN, kicking off with a technical training course in early September, led by @EmilioSempris, CfRN Regional Director for Latin America & the Caribbean. This important step reinforces Panama's commitment to #ClimateAction!

🚨 Many forest carbon projects aren’t linked to Article 5.2 under the UNFCCC. Protecting the integrity of climate efforts requires following verified methodologies. Let’s support the nations doing it right! 🌳 #REDDplus #ParisAgreement

Just released! CfRN's Federica Bietta unveils the future of carbon markets in "How Article 6 brings Article 5.2 REDD+ to Global Carbon Markets." Learn how the private sector can engage with UN carbon markets to slow deforestation & reduce emissions. 🌳
🔗 https://www.carbon-mechanisms.de/en/publications/details/cmr-03-2024

🔔 Webinar Alert: Paris Agreement Article 6.2 Explained!

Join us on September 5 at 10:30 AM EST for a closer look at Article 6.2, focusing on how it helps countries collaborate on climate action and protects our forests through REDD+.

📝 Register now: https://www.rainforestcoalition.org/webinars/

Want to learn more about Suriname's sovereign #CarbonCredit announcement yesterday? Check out this article in the @FT: https://www.ft.com/content/315d5693-8585-45db-ab43-9f0e77250ae5

#Suriname is one of 11 countries with High Forest Cover and Low Deforestation (#HFLD)! 🌍 This means maintaining vast forests and low deforestation rates. Suriname’s forests are crucial for biodiversity and climate health. Let’s celebrate this achievement! 🌳 #ClimateAction

🇸🇷 #Suriname, with 15.3 million hectares of forest covering 93% of its land, is a biodiversity hotspot! 🌿 In 2012, 60 new species, like the "cocoa" frog, were discovered in its rainforests. Let's celebrate and protect Suriname's natural heritage! 🌳 #Biodiversity

Catch up with our COP27 events

Don’t miss whats happening on the ground at COP27, catch up with events on the Coalition for Rainforest stand.

Climate Change Explained: What You Need to Know!

Coalition for Rainforest Nations

Coalition for Rainforest Nations Testimonial, Honduras - Minister Lucky Medina

Coalition for Rainforest Nations

The UNFCCC REDD+ Framework & Sovereign Carbon

Coalition for Rainforest Nations

Support our Climate Movement. Save the Rainforest

Support our Climate Movement. Save the Rainforest

Rainforest nations feel the brunt of the climate emergency daily.

Only concerted national action can reverse deforestation and help reduce emissions.

“Amongst all the organizations evaluated, CfRN stands out because of outsized leverage of their presence at key international negotiations”

Founders Pledge.
With your support, we can hit our climate goal of 1.5 degrees by 2030 and zero carbon by 2050