Watch the latest recording of our events from the CfRN stand at COP27
Introduction to Greenhouse Gases
Introduction to Greenhouse Gases Series
Part 1: The Basics
Event Program
Check back here regularly to keep informed of events on the CfRN Pavilion at COP27
Week 02
Wed 16th Nov
Overview of Ethiopia’s Oromia Forested Landscape Program (OFLP) and its Carbon Financing
Wed, Nov 16th: 9:30 – 10:00 am CET.
Coalition for Rainforest Nations, EY Pavilion
The presentation will give an update on the success and implementation of the OFLP grant-funded activities in fostering sustainable low carbon development through activities that reduce deforestation, since 2017. Areas covered will include OFLP’s status on the Emissions Reductions Purchase Agreement (ERPA), negotiation with the Bio Carbon fund for Sustainable Forested Landscape Program (ISFL), and further emissions reductions within the project’s scope.
- Mr. Dereje Likissa Beyene, MRV specialist
- Mr. Abdurahman Abdella Adem, Oromia Vice President, Coordinator for Rural Development sectors
- Mr. Seifudin Mehadi Abdulkerim, General Director, Oromia Environmental Protection Authority
- Dr. Yitebitu Moges, Coordinator for Ethiopia REDD+ secretariat
- Mr. Dereje Likissa Beyene, MRV specialist
Assessment and Monitoring of Forest Cover in the Republic of Congo (ROC)
Wed, Nov 16th: 11:00 am – 12:00 pm CET
Coalition for Rainforest Nations, EY Pavilion
Hear members of the Republic of Congo’s Ministry of Forestry and Economy share their experiences with collecting land use and change data for estimating greenhouse gas emissions/removals; modeling projects for the creation of carbon sinks; the problems of financing afforestation and reforestation; governance and sustainable management of forests; and creating protected areas to preserve the ROC’s huge reservoir of biodiversity.
Speakers from the Ministry of Forestry and Economy include:
- Carine Saturnine Milandou
- Francois Mankessi
- Welcome Babela
- Jean-Bosco Nganongo
The Contribution of the Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA) to REDD+ Processes Implementation
Wed, Nov 16th: 2:00 – 3:00 pm CET
Coalition for Rainforest Nations, EY Pavilion
- Charles Mwangui, PACJA Program Manager
- Mamoudou Ouedraogo, National Coordinator from Burkina Faso
- Abourazakou Memem Morou, National Coordinator PACJA Togo
Capacity Building for Greenhouse Gas Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (MRV): Focus on the Women in Central Africa (WICA) Initiative for Climate Action
Wed, Nov 16th: 4:00 – 5:30 pm CET
Coalition for Rainforest Nations, EY Pavilion
WICA is a capacity building program for young women in Cameroon, Gabon, DRC, Central African Republic, and the Republic of Congo on greenhouse gas MRV, mitigation, and adaptation, as well as the climate negotiation process and implementation of the Paris Agreement.
- Speakers from the US Forest Service’s International WICA Program, the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute (GHGMI), and the Coalition for Rainforest Nations will discuss challenges, opportunities, and learnings from WICA, after more than a year of implementation
More events to be confirmed
Please check back for details
Thur 16th Nov
Events to be confirmed
Please check back shortly for details
Catch up with our COP27 events
Don’t miss whats happening on the ground at COP27, catch up with events on the Coalition for Rainforest stand.
Introduction to Greenhouse Gases
Funcionamiento de los gases de efecto invernadero
Entendiendo los gases de efecto invernadero
Belize Amazing Efforts to Preserve Their Rainforests
Climate Change Explained: What You Need to Know!
Coalition for Rainforest Nations Testimonial, Honduras - Minister Lucky Medina
The UNFCCC REDD+ Framework & Sovereign Carbon