No Net Zero without Nature: In Unity Net Zero is Possible
No Net Zero without Nature: In Unity Net Zero is Possible
Achieving a 1.5°C-degree pathway requires dramatically slowing global deforestation. The Coalition for Rainforest Nations represents 50 rainforest nations as trusted climate justice allies in the preservation of complex nature-based ecosystems essential to humanity. Please join us and share our commitment to achieve Net Zero by 2050, advance UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and build circular economies that deliver sustained value creation for the generations of today and tomorrow.
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Conference Program
Keep in touch with CfRN’s COP28 pavilion events, livestreams, and more.
Conference Program
Keep in touch with CfRN’s COP28 pavilion events, livestreams, and more.
Saturday 2nd December. 2:00 – 3:00pm
2:00 – 3:00pm
The President of Honduras
3:00 – 4:00pm
The President of Paraguay
Monday 4th December. 9:30am – 2:30pm
Theme: Catalyzing Net Zero Modernized Economies in Harmony with Nature
The climate actions taken today and over the next decade will determine the fate of current and future generations. The severity and frequency of natural disasters and extreme weather are prompting a paradigm shift to mobilize public and private investments towards clean energy, industrial decarbonization, electrification, and nature-based solutions to meet the 1.5°C goal of the Paris Agreement. Shifting from pledges to actions to achieve Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) targets requires cross-sector collaboration to mobilize finance applying a comprehensive climate disclosure framework. Join us for a series of topics presented by the Coalition for Rainforest Nations, Deloitte, and fellow Global Climate Allies.
Carbon Disclosure: Facilitating Harmonization of Standards to Advance a Comprehensive Climate Disclosure Framework.
- Kristen Sullivan, Global Audit & Assurance Sustainability & Climate Leader, Deloitte
- Jingdong Hua, Vice-Chair, International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB)
- Alex Liftman, Global Environmental Executive, Bank of America
12:00 – 12:45am
Powering a Sustainable Future: Pathways to Carbon-Neutral Energy Systems that Advance Climate Justice and Achieve Energy Security
- Katherine Neebe, Chief Sustainability and Philanthropy Officer, Duke Energy
- Joe Ran, World Energy’s Vice President of Innovation and Business Development
- Kimberly Johnston, CEO, NextGen Energy Partners
- Victor Kitange, Economic Advisor, Natural Resources and Lead, Commonwealth Sustainable Energy Transition (CSET) Agenda, Trade, Oceans and Natural Resources.
1:30 – 2:15pm
The Business Case for Nature: There is No Net Zero without Nature
- Intro/Welcome: Vimi Grewal-Carr, Global Chief Growth Officer, Deloitte
- Kimberly Johnston, Moderator
- Fabien Laurier, US Sustainability & Climate Managing Director, Deloitte
- Tim Christophersen, VP Climate Action, Salesforce
- Kehkashan Basu, One Young World Ambassador, Founder-President, Green Hope Foundation
- Elisabeth Goos, Sustainability Services Leader EMEA & DACH, IBM
- Nicholas Hardman-Mountford, Head of Ocean and Natural Resources, Commonwealth Secretariat
2:15 – 3:15pm
The Big Investments for Climate Action – Forests and Climate Change Mitigation
Dynamic youth organizations that are driving climate positive actions in Rainforest Nations present their inspiring backgrounds and share transformative initiatives that address the urgent challenges of climate change through sustainable land management and climate action benefiting people, planet and nature. Themes to be covered:
- Climate actions driven by State Institutions
- Creation of the Mitigation Program in the Forests of Honduras and inter-institutional coordination – Honduras
- Ecosystem restoration program –Panama
- Investments and achievements of the Presidential Program Padre Andrés Tamayo –Honduras
- Emilio Sempris, Distinguised Advisor, Integrity Council fro the Carbon Market and Regional Director for Coalition for Rainforest Nations
- Malcolm Stufkens, Vice Minister of the Secretary of Natural Resources and Environment of Honduras
- Francisco Cadavid, Forestry Director, Ministry of Environment of Panama
- Luis Soliz, Executive Director, Forest Conservation Institute of Honduras
Monday 4th December. 3:30 – 5:15pm
THEME: Mobilizing Capital to Halt Deforestation and Regenerate Rainforests
Coalition for Rainforest Nations unites corporate senior executives, high ranking government officials and financial sector leaders on the Paris Agreement compliant REDD+ sovereign carbon credits, how they could halt deforestation and support regeneration of rainforests; in turn saving endangered species, improving global biodiversity, and achieving net zero targets. Join us for a series of topics presented by Coalition for Rainforest Nations and fellow Global Climate Allies.
3:30 – 4:15pm
Climate & Rainforests: The UNFCCC REDD+ framework
Despite criticisms, UNFCCC REDD+ framework has reduced over 13 gigatons of emission reductions and is enshrined in the Paris Climate Agreement. How can governments, corporates and financiers continue and scale up these achievements?
- What is the importance of the forest to local communities, economy, and development?
- How does the REDD+ mechanism under the UN help reverse deforestation?
- What is the role of private sector finance in halting deforestation?
- How can revenue from ITMOs be used to further aid development?
- Kevin Conrad, ED, CfRN
- Marciano Dasai, Minister of Spatial Planning and Environment, Suriname
- Orlando Habet, Minister of Sustainable Development
- Lucky Medina, Minister of Environment, Honduras
4:30 – 5:15pm
Carbon Markets: The new Paris compliant carbon markets and the role of REDD+ sovereign carbon
Since the approval of Article 6 – the Paris Agreement’s rulebook governing carbon markets – the carbon trading sector has grown significantly. However, the market is very complicated and is still somewhat marred by questions on creditability, verification, and reliability.
- What is the structure of the global carbon market and how do Paris Agreement compliant carbon credits fit into this wider market?
- How are frameworks of ITMOs enabling better credibility and integrity of carbon credits?
- How does ITMOS vary from other carbon credits in terms of how they are registered, measured, and verified?
- What is the future commercial opportunity of the market, given recent ETS price highs?
- Federica Bietta, MD, CfRN
- Adam Hedley, Clifford Chance
- Christina Sell, Chief Sustainability Officer Trading & Clearing, Deutsche Boerse
Tuesday 5th December. 10.00am – 2.30pm
THEME: No Net Zero without Nature: Catalyzing a Nature Positive Transition
Rainforests operate as massive nature-based carbon sinks playing an essential role in global carbon neutrality. Global South is rapidly approaching tipping points requiring alignment of capital allocation with nature positive outcomes. Join us for a series of topics presented by Coalition for Rainforest Nations, S&P Global, and fellow Global Climate Allies.
10:00 – 10:45am
Finance: Unlocking Capital for Nature
We’re at a pivotal moment in our understanding of biodiversity’s connection to climate change and the financial implications of nature loss. What’s now needed to align capital allocation with nature positive outcomes – and accelerate progress on nature-based solutions?
- Lindsey Hall, Head of ESG Thought Leadership, S&P Global Sustainable1
- Richard Mattison, Vice Chair, S&P Global Sustainable1
- Eva Zabey, Chief Executive Officer, Business for Nature
- Keith Tuffley, Vice Chairman, Global Co-Head, Sustainability & Corporate Transitions, Citi
- Masa Takanashi, Group Chief Sustainability Officer, Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Inc.
12:00 – 12:45pm
Climate Science: Tipping Points & the Global South
The world is now on an unstoppable shift towards renewable energy but the phase down of fossil fuels is not happening quickly enough. Emissions are still too high to prevent tempartures from rising above a key threshold of 1.5C. What are the positive and negative scenarios for rainforest nations once we cross that threshold?
- Kevin Conrad, CfRN
- Tim Lenton, University of Exeter
- Tosi Mpanu Mpanu, DRC
1:30 – 2:45pm
Climate Risk: Informing Nature Positive Decision Making
- Jane Hutchinson, Co-Chief Executive Officer, Pollination Foundation
- Matt Jones, Chief Impact Officer, UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC)
- Robin Millington, Chief Executive Officer, Planet Tracker
- Lauren Smart, Chief Commercial Officer, S&P Global Sustainable1
- Lindsey Hall, Head of ESG Thought Leadership, S&P Global Sustainable1
- Hirotaka Hideshima, Counsellor on Global Strategy to President and the Board of Directors, Norinchukin Bank, Taskforce member, Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)
Tuesday 5th December. 3.00 – 6.00pm
THEME: The Nexus of Energy, Nature, and Climate: In Unity Net Zero is Possible
Global regions and societies are experiencing the devasting effects of climate change. Rising climate-related risks are prompting novel and viable mitigation and resilience solutions across sectors. Public and private sectors are advancing novel and viable climate and energy transition strategies working in harmony with nature and biodiversity. Join us for a series of topics presented by Coalition for Rainforest Nations, S&P Global, and fellow Global Climate Allies.
3:30 – 4:15pm
The Nexus of Nature and Climate: Mobilizing Capital to Preserve Natural Ecosystems and Mitigate Climate-Related Financial Risks.
- Christopher Perceval, Senior Market Engagement Director, S&P Global Sustainable1 (Moderator)
- Freedom-Kai Phillips, Director, Deloitte Center for Sustainable Progress
- Rowan Douglas, CEO Climate Risk, Howden Group
- To be confirmed, Deutsch Bank
4:30 – 6:30pm. Panel and Reception
Three Questions for You on The Relationship of Nature, Climate and Energy. Conversations & Networking.
More investors, companies and other stakeholders are recognizing that biodiversity, natural capital, and ecosystem dependencies are inseparable from a robust climate and energy transition strategy, but commitments among the largest global companies related to addressing nature and biodiversity remain limited. Join S&P Global for a fully engaged conversation, to discuss critical the intersection of energy, climate, and nature.
Firestarter discussions focused on:
- Physical climate risk
- Atlas of energy transition and where nature plays a critical role
- Nature and biodiversity risk
- Carbon and nature markets
- Sustainable financing
- Chris Heusler, President, S&P Global Sustainable1
- Michael Salvatico, GAICD, Head of Asia, Pacific, Middle East & Africa ESG Solutions, S&P Global Sustainable1
- Lauren Smart, Chief Commercial Officer, S&P Global Sustainable1
- Thomas Yagel, Chief Operating and Product Officer, S&P Global Sustainable1
Wednesday 6th December. 10.00am – 3.00pm
THEME: The Paradigm Shift: The Global South Carbon Budget and The Global South
COP28 is a pivotal point for the global stock take and the latest update on the planet’s use of its remaining carbon budget. Learn about the latest figures from over 100 universities and how rainforests are being affected. Also, the European Energy Exchange has recently launched the Global Carbon Index to track the performance of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). Sovereign carbon markets are prompting the paradigm shift needed to cease deforestation and assign value to the preservation of rainforests as sustainable economies contributing to global net zero. Join us for a series of topics presented by Coalition for Rainforest Nations and fellow Global Climate Allies.
10:00 – 10:45am
Safeguarding Paraguay as the World’s Largest Tropical Wetlands and its Endangered Wildlife.
- Santiago Peña Palacios, President of Paraguay
12:00 – 12:45pm
Climate Science: The 2023 Global Carbon Budget and The Global South
The Global Carbon Project, led by the University of Exeter publishes its annual report about efforts to hit the 1.5 degrees target on November 5th. How close are we to hitting 1.5 degrees and how have the rainforest nations fared in slowing deforestation over the past 12 months?
- Pierre Friedlingstein, University of Exeter
- Kevin Conrad, Ed
- Marciano Dasai, Minister of Spatial Planning and Environment, Suriname
Wednesday 6th December. 2.30 – 7.00pm
THEME: Accelerating Sustainable Economies with Transparency and Accountability
Achieving carbon neutrality for governments and businesses requires novel and viable sustainable supply chain strategies. Join us for a session presented by Coalition for Rainforest Nations, Deloitte, and fellow Global Climate Allies.
2:30 – 3:30pm
Forestry Investments and Payments for Emissoins Reductions in Ivory Coast
As part of the implementation of the Paris Agreement, Cote d”Ivoire has committed to its Determined National Contributions (NDCs) to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 30.41% as of 2023 compared to 2012 level. A portfolio forestry investment projects have been initiated and are being implemented improving the social and economic wellbeing of communities. The forestry projects enabled emission reduction credits with the World Bank with payments to local communities based on a validated benefit sharing plan. This event will highlight:
- Achievements to preserve Classified Forests and the Tai National Park benefting local communities and women
- Actions for the adoption of Participatory Development Plans led by the Minster of Water and Forests
Emission reductions achieved under the World Bank agreement to strengthen forest restoration actions
- Eric Konan, Project Coordinator
- Alloua Kadjo, Stakeholder Engagement Specialist
- Bene Lucien, Environmental Specialist
3:30 – 4:30pm
Establishing Green Iron Corridors
- Oleksiy Tatarenko, RMI (Moderator)
- Mauritanian Government – Senior Official, Ministry of Petroleum, Mines & Energy (MPME)
- Dean Bialek, CWP
- Joseph Ran, World Energy
Friday 8th December
THEME: Achieving Climate Equity in the Transition to Net Zero Economies .
The world is now on an unstoppable shift towards renewable energy, but more is needed to preserve rainforests, biodiversity, and Indigenous cultures. Circular economies are rapidly growing markets prompting system change across the value chain of products and services. Climate equity is front and center of transitions to net zero in harmony with humanity and nature. Join us for a series of topics presented by Coalition for Rainforest Nations and fellow Global Climate Allies.
12:00 – 12:45pm
Country Spotlight: Honduras – Saving Rainforests and Reducing Emissions under the Paris Agreement
- Federica Bietta, MD, CfRN
- Lucky Media, Minister of Environment, Honduras
- Pierre Friedlingstein, University of Exeter
- Kevin Conrad, ED
- Marciano Dasai, Minister of Spatial Planning and Environment, Suriname
1:30 – 2:15pmpm
Achieving Climate Equity in the Transition to Net Zero Economies.
- Pradeep Philip, Lead Partner for Deloitte Access Economics, Deloitte
- Henk Rogers, Founder and CEO, Blue Planet Alliance
- Dr. Kathyrn Huff, Assistant Secretary, U.S. Department of Energy
- Kimberly Johnston, CEO, NextGen Energy Partners
- Jonathan Adashek, Senior Vice President, Marketing and Communications and Chief Communications Officer, IBM
3:30 – 4:15pm
Country Spotlight: Democratic Republic of the Congo – Saving Rainforests and Reducing Emissions under the Paris Agreement
4:30 – 6:00pm
Natural Climate Solutions: How Nature Can Help Us Reach Net Zero by 2050.
This topic would explore the role of natural climate solutions, such as protecting and restoring forests, wetlands, grasslands, and coastal ecosystems, in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and enhancing carbon sinks. It would also analyze the co-benefits of natural climate solutions for biodiversity, water security, and human well-being, as well as the barriers and enablers for scaling up their implementation.
- Gwendoline Sissiou – General Manager – REDD+ and Mitigation, Climate Change and Development Authority
- Majid Binkaram – Chief Marketing Officer, Sustainology Climate Solutions
- Ansh Kumar Shah – Chief Executive Officer, Sustainology Climate Solutions
- Samiksha Satpute – Vice President Operations, The Planet Reserve
- Krutarth Shah – Chief Operating Officer, Treetology
- Rithvi – Legal & Policy,
Sustainology Climate Solutions
Saturday 9th December
10:00 – 12:00pm
Exploring the Potential of Sub-National REDD+ Approach in India and their contribution towards SDGs
Indian forests inhabit diverse ecosystems and habitats that provide numerous ecosystem services. More than 300 million people, predominantly dependent on forests, derive their livelihoods from the forests. This dependence, coupled with a lack of sufficient infrastructure and financial support, results in increased anthropogenic pressure on forests, resulting in degradation and human–animal conflicts.REDD+ mechanism can play a pivotal role in fostering the protection and restoration of natural ecosystems and securing the rights and livelihoods of local communities. It can also help to generate an added revenue stream and allow for the effective transfer of technologies, knowledge, and expertise while simultaneously reducing and/or removing GHG emissions globally.
For further information, please download the associated panel brochure here
- Dr Vibha Dhawan, Director General, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)
- Dr Jagdish Kishwan, Asia Pacific Regional Coordinator, Coalition for Rainforest Nations
- Eloïse Guidi, Greenhouse gas inventory and REDD+ expert, Coalition for Rainforest Nations
- Dr Jitendra Vir Sharma, Programme Director, Land Resources, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)
- Emilio Sempris, Regional Director, Latin America and the Caribbean, Coalition for Rainforest Nations
- Dr Dipankar Saharia, Senior Director, Administrative Services, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)
- Sandeep Roy Choudhury Director VNV Advisory Services
- Dr Yogesh Gokhale, Senior Fellow and Area Convener, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)
- Mr Aniruddh Soni, Associate Fellow and Area Convener, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)
12:00 – 1:00pm
Country Spotlight Sauver les forêts tropicales et réduire les émissions dans le cadre de l’Accord de Paris
Since 2005, developing countries have reduced over 13 gigatons of emission reductions by slowing deforestation through the UNFCCC REDD+ framework, which is now enshrined in the Paris Climate Agreement. African countries are at different level of development and implementation of REDD+. First panel of discussion from French speaking countries in the region (EVENT IN FRENCH)
- Colonel major Babacar DIONE, Directeur Eaux, Forêts et Chasse, Sénégal
- Carine Saturnine MILANDOU, Directrice CNIAF, République du Congo
- Martine BADIBANGA, Point focal UNFCCC, République Démocratique du Congo
- Janvier Kevin NDONG NZOGHO, Coordinateur national IGES Gabon
- Moderator Tosi Mpanu-Mpanu
1:30 – 2:30pm
Les efforts de la République du Congo en matière de gestion durable des écosystèmes forestiers
Gestion durable des écosystèmes forestiers en République du Congo comme solution basée sur la nature pour la lutte contre le Changement climatique
- Carine Saturnine MILANDOU, Directrice du Centre National d’Inventaire et d’Aménagement des ressources Forestières et Fauniques
- Joseph MOUMBOUILOU, Directeur Général de l’Economie Forestière
- Thierry MOMBOULI, Directeur du service de contrôle des produits forestiers à l’exportation
- François MANKESSI, Coordonnateur National du Programme National d’Afforestation, du Reboisement (ProNAR)
- Jean Bosco NGANONGO, Directeur Général de l’Agence Congolaise de la Faune et des Aires Protégées (ACFAP)
Sunday 10th December
11:00 – 12:30pm
Climate Trailblazers: Harnessing the Power of Youth-led Initiatives on Sustainable Land Management and Climate Action
This session provides a platform for dynamic youth organizations to present their backgrounds and share their initiatives that address the urgent challenges of climate change through sustainable land management and climate action.
Each speaker will have a maximum of 10 minutes time to present about their missions, current projects, and the pivotal roles they play in promoting climate resilience. This could also be an avenue for them to promote their projects and their need for support from the audience. A Q&A portion will also be facilitated towards the end of the session.
- Isabelle Dela Paz, IFSA
- Alexa Beaucamp, School Forest Project
- Rabi Raut, IAAS
- Raysa Franca, Youth4Nature
- Axel Eriksson, Global Youth Biodiversity Network
- Glindys Luciano, YPARD
2:30 – 3:30pm
Country spotlight: Saving Rainforests and Reducing Emissions under the Paris Agreement
Since 2005, developing countries have reduced over 13 gigatons of emission reductions by slowing deforestation through the UNFCCC REDD+ framework, which is now enshrined in the Paris Climate Agreement. African countries are at different level of development and implementation of REDD+. Second panel of discussion from French speaking countries in the region.
- Wilfred Mbhekeni Nxumalo, Eswatini
- Dr. Vincent OBEA , Kenya
- Elijah WHAPOE, Liberia
- Joaquim MACUACUA, Mozambique
Find us in the COP 28 BLUE ZONE – Mobility Petal

Watch the latest recording of our events from the CfRN stand at COP28
Introduction to Greenhouse Gases
Introduction to Greenhouse Gases Series
Part 1: The Basics