Video Archive
Video Archive
Que Se Espera De COP27 (Spanish)
Para mantener el aumento de temperatura dentro de 1.5°C, como se detalla en el Acuerdo de Paris, y prevenir los peores impactos del cambio climático, el mundo tendrá que alcanzar cero emisiones netas de carbono para mediados de este siglo. El equipp de la Coalición de PaÃses con Bosques Tropicales brindó una actualización de lo que se espera para los bosque en la COP 27 de Egipto.
Las presentaciones estuvieron a cargo de:
Emilio Sempris. Director para América Latina y el Caribe.
Eduardo Reyes Asesor International.
Milena Niño. Experta en Inventarios de Gases de Efecto Invernadero y REDD+.
#AcuerdoDeParis #Bosques # REDD+ # COP27
CfRN Intro Video
For REDD+ results, this new regime implies that the forest sector should be part of a country’s NDC, and then any steps or progress in reducing emissions towards the NDC goal may create REDD+ results that are eligible for results-based payments or even for cooperative approaches under Article 6.2. The RRR+ project takes into consideration this new regime and reinforces capacity building on ensuring consistency of REDD+ results with NDC MRV, with the goal of establishing consistent reporting to the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement.
The RRR+ project is supporting countries to prepare and refine their single National GHGI database, as well as develop a FREL/FRL and the derived REDD+ results, as appropriate. The RRR+ project is also helping countries in the technical assessment of the FREL/FRL and the technical analysis of the REDD+ Technical Annex as part of the UNFCCC process, in full respect of all COP and CMA related decisions.
Support The Coalition for Rainforest Nations
Support the Coalition for Rainforest Nations and help save the world's forests. Donate today.
Coalition for Rainforest Nations, Gala "Rainforest Night at Gotham"
Coalition for Rainforest Nations hosted Rainforest Night at Gotham during Climate Week in New York City.
The Coalition for Rainforest Nations Reporting for REDD+ Results Project Overview
For REDD+ results, this new regime implies that the forest sector should be part of a country’s NDC, and then any steps or progress in reducing emissions towards the NDC goal may create REDD+ results that are eligible for results-based payments or even for cooperative approaches under Article 6.2. The RRR+ project takes into consideration this new regime and reinforces capacity building on ensuring consistency of REDD+ results with NDC MRV, with the goal of establishing consistent reporting to the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement.
The RRR+ project is supporting countries to prepare and refine their single National GHGI database, as well as develop a FREL/FRL and the derived REDD+ results, as appropriate. The RRR+ project is also helping countries in the technical assessment of the FREL/FRL and the technical analysis of the REDD+ Technical Annex as part of the UNFCCC process, in full respect of all COP and CMA related decisions.
REDD+ Results Units
Help the globe meet the 1.5 degree goal of the Paris Agreement. Join today
Gabon: REDD+ Sovereign Carbon Credits
Minister Lee White of Gabon announces the release of the country's REDD+ sovereign credits
Gabon: Transitioning To A Sustainable Economy
Minister Lee White discusses Gabon transitioning to a sustainable economy
Gabon: Sovereign Carbon Credits & Use of Proceeds
Minister Lee White of Gabon discussed the use of carbon credits and the use of the sale proceeds
The Importance of REDD+ To The Rainforest of Honduras
Malcolm Stufkens, Vice Minister of Environment for Honduras, discusses the uniqueness and importance of the country's rainforest and how the REDD+. mechanism is key to its existence
The Importance Of REDD+ to Dominican Republic's Rainforest
Nathalie Flores, Director of Climate Change for Dominican Republic, discusses the uniqueness and importance of the country's rainforest and how the REDD+. mechanism is key to its existence
The Importance of REDD+ TO Panama's Rainforest
Emilio Sempris, Former Minister of Environment for Panama, discusses the uniqueness and importance of the country's rainforest and how the REDD+. mechanism is key to its existence
The Importance Of REDD+ to Liberia's Rainforest
Professor Wilson Tarpeh, Executive Director and CEO for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for Liberia, discusses the uniqueness and importance of the country's rainforest and how the REDD+ mechanism is key to its existence.
The Importance Of REDD+ to Democratic Republic of Congo's Rainforest
Ambassador Tosi Mpanu-Mpanu, Senior Negotiator, Democratic Republic of Congo, Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA), discusses the uniqueness and importance of the country's rainforest and how the REDD+ mechanism is key to its existence
The Importance of REDD+ to Gabon's Rainforest
Tanguay Gahouma, Special Advisor to the President of the Gabonese Republic, and Permanent Secretary of the National Climate Council discusses the uniqueness and importance of the country's rainforest and how the REDD+ Mechanism is key to its existence
The Importance of REDD+ to Papua New Guinea's Rainforests
Eunice Dus, Senior REDD+ Officer, Office of Climate Change & Development for Papua New Guinea
Gabon Transitioning CAPTIONS
UNFCCC Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+)
Help the globe meet the 1.5 degree goal of the Paris Agreement. Join today
How To Finance An End To Global Deforestation
With the help of REDD+ Paris Agreement-compliant carbon credits, developed country governments, corporations, and citizens can now achieve ambitious carbon neutral goals at a scale unimaginable until recently. And in the next few years, our countries will bring a multi-gigaton pipeline of carbon reductions online. That is the reduction equivalent of the amount of carbon that Germany emits every year. More importantly, the scale of the emission reductions gives the world a real chance to tackle the climate emergency by aligning to a 1.5°C temperature pathway by 2030.
Climate Trust Fund
Each carbon credit or REDD+ Results Unit is issued by the national government to prevent leakage, eliminate double counting and seamlessly integrate into global carbon accounting.
REDD+ Result Unitsâ„¢ are only made available after conservation efforts have been successful and independently reviewed by the UNFCCC.
REDD+ Result Unitsâ„¢ are registered on the UNFCCC REDD+ Information Hub , and we retire them upon sale.
REDD+ Results Units
Help the globe meet the 1.5 degree goal of the Paris Agreement. Join today
We Need Financing to Save Our Rainforests
Project Director for Coalition for Rainforest Nations, Federica Bietta, discusses the importance of financing to save the world's rainforests
The Coalition for Rainforest Nations Reporting for REDD+ Results Project Overview
For REDD+ results, this new regime implies that the forest sector should be part of a country’s NDC, and then any steps or progress in reducing emissions towards the NDC goal may create REDD+ results that are eligible for results-based payments or even for cooperative approaches under Article 6.2. The RRR+ project takes into consideration this new regime and reinforces capacity building on ensuring consistency of REDD+ results with NDC MRV, with the goal of establishing consistent reporting to the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement.
The RRR+ project is supporting countries to prepare and refine their single National GHGI database, as well as develop a FREL/FRL and the derived REDD+ results, as appropriate. The RRR+ project is also helping countries in the technical assessment of the FREL/FRL and the technical analysis of the REDD+ Technical Annex as part of the UNFCCC process, in full respect of all COP and CMA related decisions.
Climate, Rainforests, and UNFCCC REDD+
Alarm From 2022 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Report
The newly released report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) addresses two key issues on battling the Climate Crisis:
Adaptation, or the process of adjustment to actual or expected climate and
its effects, and Mitigation, or the human intervention to reduce the sources
or enhance the sinks of greenhouse gasses. This video will focus on the Earth’s adaptation to the impacts of Climate Change.
Many natural systems, including some rainforests, are near
reaching limits to adjust to this threat. As global warming increases, extreme
climate related events such as droughts, heat waves and fires affect forests
and may limit their ability to regenerate. However, it isn’t too late for forests
to adapt to climate change. Opportunities exist for rainforest countries
to develop new forest restoration policies and continue to slow, stop, and
reverse global deforestation.
Hear Thelma Krug, Vice Chair of the IPCC and
Senior Technical Expert for CfRN, discuss the latest climate science report
and what measures can be implemented to improve the capacity of our
forests to adapt to climate change.
Thelma Krug is a former researcher at the Earth Observation Coordination
at the National Institute for Space Research in Brazil, under the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communication (MCTIC). She was elected Vice-Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC) (October 2015 – October 2022), after having been co-chair of the IPCC Task Force on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories from 2002 until
2015. For more than 15 years she represented Brazil in the negotiations at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
Everything You Need To Know About The Creation Of The Paris Agreement
The process of climate change negotiations and the milestones leading up the Paris Agreement (UNFCCC, Kyoto, Copenhagen)
Senior Policy Expert for the Coalition of Rainforest Nations and Associate Professor of International Environmental Law at the Catholic University of Lille
Visit Coalition for Rainforest Nations website:
Donate to support:
News from Coalition Rainforest Nations:
Offset your carbon emissions and support a rainforest country:
Everything You Need To Know About The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
Learn how is it structured and organized, what is it responsible for, who produces the reports, and the process of it all
Speaker: Thelma Krug -- Senior Expert for Coalition for Rainforest Nations, Vice Chair of the IPCC
Interviewer: Michael Mitchell - Senior Project Manager for Coalition for Rainforest Nations
Are We On Track To Meet The 1.5 Degree Goal Of The Paris Agreement?
Thelma Krug, Vice-Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Senior Technical Expert for Coalition for Rainforest Nations (CfRN) speaks, following the release of the IPCC's latest report on climate change, this time about mitigation measures.
The IPCC defines Climate Change Mitigation as a human intervention to reduce the sources or enhance the sinks of greenhouse gases. In this webinar, we will discuss:
Are we on track to meet the 1.5 degree goal of the Paris Agreement?
What can be done to mitigate climate Change?
EY Brazil Panel on the Amazon COP27
The Role of Climate Induced Mobility on Gender Inequalities in Africa Panel COP27
Transition to Sustainable Circular Economies Panel COP27
Sovereign Carbon: Market Dynamics Panel COP27
The Role of Forests - What to Expect at COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt
International Climate Policy Expert, Leonardo Massai and Vice Chair for the IPCC, Thelma Krug explain what you need to know about the most important climate conference of 2022.
Women of Climate Action Panel COP27
Creating Global Market Signals COP27
Establishment of a national observation system for natural and forest resources for Gabon (SNORNF)
Since 2019, as part of the implementation of the CAFI program (Central African Forest Initiative), AGEOS has been working on setting up an observation system for Gabon's natural and forest resources. This presentation will give an overview of the different objectives of this system, the expected results and the ongoing achievements.
Driving the UN SDGs From Ambition to Action Panel COP27
REDD+ And Article 6.4, A Message To Egypt For COP27
Emilio Sempris, former Minister of Environment for Panama, provides his vision for Article 6.4 of the Paris Agreement at COP27 in Egypt
Reflections on COP27 and What the Results Mean for Rainforests
Was COP 26 a success for rainforests?
Learn the importance of Rainforests and why they need to be leading the discussions on climate negotiations
Que Se Espera De COP27 (Spanish)
Para mantener el aumento de temperatura dentro de 1.5°C, como se detalla en el Acuerdo de Paris, y prevenir los peores impactos del cambio climático, el mundo tendrá que alcanzar cero emisiones netas de carbono para mediados de este siglo. El equipp de la Coalición de PaÃses con Bosques Tropicales brindó una actualización de lo que se espera para los bosque en la COP 27 de Egipto.
Las presentaciones estuvieron a cargo de:
Emilio Sempris. Director para América Latina y el Caribe.
Eduardo Reyes Asesor International.
Milena Niño. Experta en Inventarios de Gases de Efecto Invernadero y REDD+.
#AcuerdoDeParis #Bosques # REDD+ # COP27
CfRN Intro Video
For REDD+ results, this new regime implies that the forest sector should be part of a country’s NDC, and then any steps or progress in reducing emissions towards the NDC goal may create REDD+ results that are eligible for results-based payments or even for cooperative approaches under Article 6.2. The RRR+ project takes into consideration this new regime and reinforces capacity building on ensuring consistency of REDD+ results with NDC MRV, with the goal of establishing consistent reporting to the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement.
The RRR+ project is supporting countries to prepare and refine their single National GHGI database, as well as develop a FREL/FRL and the derived REDD+ results, as appropriate. The RRR+ project is also helping countries in the technical assessment of the FREL/FRL and the technical analysis of the REDD+ Technical Annex as part of the UNFCCC process, in full respect of all COP and CMA related decisions.
Support The Coalition for Rainforest Nations
Support the Coalition for Rainforest Nations and help save the world's forests. Donate today.
Coalition for Rainforest Nations, Gala "Rainforest Night at Gotham"
Coalition for Rainforest Nations hosted Rainforest Night at Gotham during Climate Week in New York City.
The Coalition for Rainforest Nations Reporting for REDD+ Results Project Overview
For REDD+ results, this new regime implies that the forest sector should be part of a country’s NDC, and then any steps or progress in reducing emissions towards the NDC goal may create REDD+ results that are eligible for results-based payments or even for cooperative approaches under Article 6.2. The RRR+ project takes into consideration this new regime and reinforces capacity building on ensuring consistency of REDD+ results with NDC MRV, with the goal of establishing consistent reporting to the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement.
The RRR+ project is supporting countries to prepare and refine their single National GHGI database, as well as develop a FREL/FRL and the derived REDD+ results, as appropriate. The RRR+ project is also helping countries in the technical assessment of the FREL/FRL and the technical analysis of the REDD+ Technical Annex as part of the UNFCCC process, in full respect of all COP and CMA related decisions.
REDD+ Results Units
Help the globe meet the 1.5 degree goal of the Paris Agreement. Join today
Gabon: REDD+ Sovereign Carbon Credits
Minister Lee White of Gabon announces the release of the country's REDD+ sovereign credits
Gabon: Transitioning To A Sustainable Economy
Minister Lee White discusses Gabon transitioning to a sustainable economy
Gabon: Sovereign Carbon Credits & Use of Proceeds
Minister Lee White of Gabon discussed the use of carbon credits and the use of the sale proceeds
The Importance of REDD+ To The Rainforest of Honduras
Malcolm Stufkens, Vice Minister of Environment for Honduras, discusses the uniqueness and importance of the country's rainforest and how the REDD+. mechanism is key to its existence
The Importance Of REDD+ to Dominican Republic's Rainforest
Nathalie Flores, Director of Climate Change for Dominican Republic, discusses the uniqueness and importance of the country's rainforest and how the REDD+. mechanism is key to its existence
The Importance of REDD+ TO Panama's Rainforest
Emilio Sempris, Former Minister of Environment for Panama, discusses the uniqueness and importance of the country's rainforest and how the REDD+. mechanism is key to its existence
The Importance Of REDD+ to Liberia's Rainforest
Professor Wilson Tarpeh, Executive Director and CEO for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for Liberia, discusses the uniqueness and importance of the country's rainforest and how the REDD+ mechanism is key to its existence.
The Importance Of REDD+ to Democratic Republic of Congo's Rainforest
Ambassador Tosi Mpanu-Mpanu, Senior Negotiator, Democratic Republic of Congo, Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA), discusses the uniqueness and importance of the country's rainforest and how the REDD+ mechanism is key to its existence
The Importance of REDD+ to Gabon's Rainforest
Tanguay Gahouma, Special Advisor to the President of the Gabonese Republic, and Permanent Secretary of the National Climate Council discusses the uniqueness and importance of the country's rainforest and how the REDD+ Mechanism is key to its existence
The Importance of REDD+ to Papua New Guinea's Rainforests
Eunice Dus, Senior REDD+ Officer, Office of Climate Change & Development for Papua New Guinea
Gabon Transitioning CAPTIONS
UNFCCC Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+)
Help the globe meet the 1.5 degree goal of the Paris Agreement. Join today
How To Finance An End To Global Deforestation
With the help of REDD+ Paris Agreement-compliant carbon credits, developed country governments, corporations, and citizens can now achieve ambitious carbon neutral goals at a scale unimaginable until recently. And in the next few years, our countries will bring a multi-gigaton pipeline of carbon reductions online. That is the reduction equivalent of the amount of carbon that Germany emits every year. More importantly, the scale of the emission reductions gives the world a real chance to tackle the climate emergency by aligning to a 1.5°C temperature pathway by 2030.
Climate Trust Fund
Each carbon credit or REDD+ Results Unit is issued by the national government to prevent leakage, eliminate double counting and seamlessly integrate into global carbon accounting.
REDD+ Result Unitsâ„¢ are only made available after conservation efforts have been successful and independently reviewed by the UNFCCC.
REDD+ Result Unitsâ„¢ are registered on the UNFCCC REDD+ Information Hub , and we retire them upon sale.
REDD+ Results Units
Help the globe meet the 1.5 degree goal of the Paris Agreement. Join today
We Need Financing to Save Our Rainforests
Project Director for Coalition for Rainforest Nations, Federica Bietta, discusses the importance of financing to save the world's rainforests
The Coalition for Rainforest Nations Reporting for REDD+ Results Project Overview
For REDD+ results, this new regime implies that the forest sector should be part of a country’s NDC, and then any steps or progress in reducing emissions towards the NDC goal may create REDD+ results that are eligible for results-based payments or even for cooperative approaches under Article 6.2. The RRR+ project takes into consideration this new regime and reinforces capacity building on ensuring consistency of REDD+ results with NDC MRV, with the goal of establishing consistent reporting to the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement.
The RRR+ project is supporting countries to prepare and refine their single National GHGI database, as well as develop a FREL/FRL and the derived REDD+ results, as appropriate. The RRR+ project is also helping countries in the technical assessment of the FREL/FRL and the technical analysis of the REDD+ Technical Annex as part of the UNFCCC process, in full respect of all COP and CMA related decisions.
Climate, Rainforests, and UNFCCC REDD+
Alarm From 2022 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Report
The newly released report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) addresses two key issues on battling the Climate Crisis:
Adaptation, or the process of adjustment to actual or expected climate and
its effects, and Mitigation, or the human intervention to reduce the sources
or enhance the sinks of greenhouse gasses. This video will focus on the Earth’s adaptation to the impacts of Climate Change.
Many natural systems, including some rainforests, are near
reaching limits to adjust to this threat. As global warming increases, extreme
climate related events such as droughts, heat waves and fires affect forests
and may limit their ability to regenerate. However, it isn’t too late for forests
to adapt to climate change. Opportunities exist for rainforest countries
to develop new forest restoration policies and continue to slow, stop, and
reverse global deforestation.
Hear Thelma Krug, Vice Chair of the IPCC and
Senior Technical Expert for CfRN, discuss the latest climate science report
and what measures can be implemented to improve the capacity of our
forests to adapt to climate change.
Thelma Krug is a former researcher at the Earth Observation Coordination
at the National Institute for Space Research in Brazil, under the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communication (MCTIC). She was elected Vice-Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC) (October 2015 – October 2022), after having been co-chair of the IPCC Task Force on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories from 2002 until
2015. For more than 15 years she represented Brazil in the negotiations at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
Everything You Need To Know About The Creation Of The Paris Agreement
The process of climate change negotiations and the milestones leading up the Paris Agreement (UNFCCC, Kyoto, Copenhagen)
Senior Policy Expert for the Coalition of Rainforest Nations and Associate Professor of International Environmental Law at the Catholic University of Lille
Visit Coalition for Rainforest Nations website:
Donate to support:
News from Coalition Rainforest Nations:
Offset your carbon emissions and support a rainforest country:
Everything You Need To Know About The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
Learn how is it structured and organized, what is it responsible for, who produces the reports, and the process of it all
Speaker: Thelma Krug -- Senior Expert for Coalition for Rainforest Nations, Vice Chair of the IPCC
Interviewer: Michael Mitchell - Senior Project Manager for Coalition for Rainforest Nations
Are We On Track To Meet The 1.5 Degree Goal Of The Paris Agreement?
Thelma Krug, Vice-Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Senior Technical Expert for Coalition for Rainforest Nations (CfRN) speaks, following the release of the IPCC's latest report on climate change, this time about mitigation measures.
The IPCC defines Climate Change Mitigation as a human intervention to reduce the sources or enhance the sinks of greenhouse gases. In this webinar, we will discuss:
Are we on track to meet the 1.5 degree goal of the Paris Agreement?
What can be done to mitigate climate Change?
EY Brazil Panel on the Amazon COP27
The Role of Climate Induced Mobility on Gender Inequalities in Africa Panel COP27
Transition to Sustainable Circular Economies Panel COP27
Sovereign Carbon: Market Dynamics Panel COP27
The Role of Forests - What to Expect at COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt
International Climate Policy Expert, Leonardo Massai and Vice Chair for the IPCC, Thelma Krug explain what you need to know about the most important climate conference of 2022.
Women of Climate Action Panel COP27
Creating Global Market Signals COP27
Establishment of a national observation system for natural and forest resources for Gabon (SNORNF)
Since 2019, as part of the implementation of the CAFI program (Central African Forest Initiative), AGEOS has been working on setting up an observation system for Gabon's natural and forest resources. This presentation will give an overview of the different objectives of this system, the expected results and the ongoing achievements.
Driving the UN SDGs From Ambition to Action Panel COP27
REDD+ And Article 6.4, A Message To Egypt For COP27
Emilio Sempris, former Minister of Environment for Panama, provides his vision for Article 6.4 of the Paris Agreement at COP27 in Egypt
Reflections on COP27 and What the Results Mean for Rainforests
Was COP 26 a success for rainforests?
Learn the importance of Rainforests and why they need to be leading the discussions on climate negotiations